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$ 446.00

Continuing the line started in El porqué de las naranjas (MACK, 2014), Ricardo Cases investigates again the cliché of the Levantine coast. Approaching his work as if it was child’s play consisting of representing the sun, the author is plunged into the blinding light of the Levantine summer seeking its essence, letting himself be carried away by the sensations and questioning how the sun determines the identity, aesthetics and local economy.

“I was born on a rocky, inhospitable planet dominated by a star that looms too close. My sky is circled by a massive ball of fire that I don’t dare look at directly. I have grown accustomed to living with its burning breath on my neck, my head hung down in shame. The only way I can gaze at it safely is to discreetly seek out the shadows it casts on surfaces, its reflection in wells and mirrors. With the right technique and an awareness of cosmic distances you can learn to find your way by triangulation; with caution, with fear.”

Extract from the text by Luis López Navarro included in the book Sol.

ISBN 978-84-697-8268-2
Dalpine, 2017
Photographs: Ricardo Cases
Text: Luis López Navarro
Translation: Aitor Arauz Chapman
Graphic design: Ángel Álvarez (Tipode Office)
Prepress: La Troupe
Loose bound with transparent sleeve
10 fold-outs
21 x 29,7 cm


El País
Hoy Extremadura 

Shortlisted for the PhotoEspaña Best Photography Book of the Year 2018

Shortlisted for the Prix Bob Calle du livre d'artiste 2019