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XY XX - Fosi Vegue
XY XX - Fosi Vegue
XY XX - Fosi Vegue
XY XX - Fosi Vegue
XY XX - Fosi Vegue
XY XX - Fosi Vegue
XY XX - Fosi Vegue
XY XX - Fosi Vegue
XY XX - Fosi Vegue
XY XX - Fosi Vegue
XY XX - Fosi Vegue
XY XX - Fosi Vegue
XY XX - Fosi Vegue
XY XX - Fosi Vegue
XY XX - Fosi Vegue
XY XX - Fosi Vegue
XY XX - Fosi Vegue
XY XX - Fosi Vegue
XY XX - Fosi Vegue
XY XX - Fosi Vegue


$ 548.00

An inner courtyard faces a row of rooms where prostitutes take their clients. Out of view at an opposite window, the photographer witnesses what should remain unseen. Issues such as prostitution or pornography only become problematic when the system, or a society at the service of that system, deem them to be so. Nor would they exist in the absence of a legal framework that lays down the limits of what can and cannot be seen in public. In this context, sex becomes a control mechanism.

While most cameras today strive to erase any trace of digital noise, here it is exploited to the maximum effect. The exaggerated sensitivity used to cut out the subject also blurs and alters the message. This overpowering noise is our own subconscious, the mental sphere were sex operates as a catalyst for our instinct, our desire and our contradictions.

ISBN 978-84-617-0316-6 
Dalpine, 2014
Editing: Fosi Vegue + Eloi Gimeno
Design: Eloi Gimeno
Prepress: Víctor Garrido
108 pages
24 x 16 cm


L'Oeil de la Photographie
The Eyes #4
El País
Cuatro Cuerpos
Folha de Sao Paulo
Conscientious Photo Magazine