We are happy to announce a new open call in collaboration with Kursala, a photographic project of the University Extension Service for Culture of the University of Cádiz curated by Jesús Micó Palero.
Since 2007, the Kursala Gallery of the University of Cádiz has focused on contemporary photography, giving visibility to projects through exhibitions and books.
In the link below you will find the participation guidelines of the Kursala 100 open call, whose main objective is to commemorate the 100th exhibition of this program, accompanied by the edition of the Kursala Book number 100.
This open call it's aimed at author photography projects that aspire to be protagonists of the Kursala Book and the 100th exhibition. The selected project will, exceptionally, enjoy twice the budget than the rest of the collection that is exhibited annually and will publish its book (Kursala Book) with Dalpine.
The deadline for the submission of projects is October 8, 2023.
You will find all the info here.