Michele Tagliaferri
Michele Tagliaferri (Italy, 1980) holds a degree in Software Engineering. In 2005 he moved to Spain, at which time he approached photography. In 2007 he entered Blank Paper School where he studied photography for two years and where he was a professor.
His first work, Mapa, was published as a fanzine thanks to a prize awarded at the International Festival of Photography Emergent Lleida.
GRASS, published by Dalpine in 2015, was his first book. In 2016, Michele Tagliaferri was awarded the Prix Levallois Jury Special Mention for his work Grass. His second book, A Swimming Pool, was published by Dalpine and Skinnerboox in 2018. Agosto is his third book, published by Dalpine in 2024.
11/2018 - Una reflexión sobre el ser humano a través de tres fotógrafos / Babelia - El País
06/2016 - Michele Tagliaferri, une étreinte photographique / The Steidz
08/2015 - Michele Tagliaferri: Grass that came from nothing / American Suburb X
Books published by Dalpine